Oklahoma Film Enhancement Rebate Program

“In 2021, the Filmed in Oklahoma Act was signed into law, creating a new film enhancement rebate program that replaced the previous $8 million annual cap with an increased annual cap of $30 million. ”

— Oklahoma Film & Music Office

NGP Offers Pass-Through Services (PTS)

As a rental house, we here at NGP would be more than happy to provide you with whatever gear you need at the best prices possible. But in the event that you are needing something that is not available in Oklahoma, NGP can help you acquire additional equipment/supplies from out-of-state, while still making them rebate-able for you. Having processed hundreds of PTS orders for dozens of projects, we are the most experienced PTS entity in Oklahoma. We look forward to helping you with your project!


Oklahoma Film + Music Office – Find more information about our state’s film enhancement rebate program!

NGP Pass-Through Services Agreement – Click to download our PTS Agreement, which clarifies the responsibilities of the Client (you/production) and the Service Provider (us/NGP), as well as the overall PTS process (plus some legal jargon to cover both parties). This Agreement must be completed and signed by both parties before any PTS orders can be processed.

NGP Pass-Through Services One-Sheet – Click to download our PTS One-Sheet, which briefly details the steps/rules that you (or a crew member) should follow to place a PTS order with us.

NGP PTS Request Form – Once your account is set up and you are ready to request/place a PTS order with us, please follow this link to fill out & submit a PTS Request Form. This Request Form is what you (or a crew member) will need to fill out and submit to us each time you need to place a PTS order.